Road 2 Recovery Integrated Care Center

Mental Health Services

LAGS Recovery Centers, Inc. offers psychiatric appointments, psychotropic medications, individual psychotherapy, support groups, group counseling, and medication management.

Psychotherapy is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. Psychotherapy can help eliminate or control troubling symptoms to allow a person to function better and aid in increasing well-being and healing.

LRC is committed to seeing the person first and not the challenge or disease. Behavioral health requires that we look at all aspects of a person’s well-being. This includes a number of different factors which can affect one’s behavioral health, such as:

  • Diet
  • Medication
  • Exercise habits
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Relationships
  • Chronic health issues
  • Trauma
meditate, meditation, woman

People are often raised to believe that if they ask for help, they are weak. This is inaccurate, asking for help shows strength. And it shows hope for a better future.

Reasons to consider when thinking about talk therapy.

1. The effects of therapy last longer than the session.

Talk therapy allows you to work through past issues with the therapist. At the same time the therapist is helping you develop better coping tools to manage future issues and situations. Over time, these new coping tools may lead to different and better patterns of behavior.

2. Physical symptoms get treated, too.

Psychological trauma can trigger physical symptoms. Depression and anxiety are well known to have significant, and sometimes debilitating, physical effects. Therapy is one way to address physical manifestations of psychological strains. Successful therapy can help to diminish physical symptoms. When we hold feelings and emotions in, they can manifest, or somatize, into stomach aches, headaches, sleeping difficulties or ulcers. Talk therapy can help.

3. Unresolved emotional issues will revisit you.

Unresolved emotional issues become like heavy baggage over time. The avoidance of talking about emotional hurts does not equate to healing. Healing requires you to fully process events, even painful one, to let go of the hurt and carry it no longer. Unexpressed feelings and traumas can pile up and revisit us later in explosive behaviors or deep sadness. Talk therapy can help.

4. Better coping and communication skills.

When you work through old hurts, you no longer have to carry the anger and emotions with you in everyday life. You will also learn how to develop better communication skills and leave old passive-aggressive communication skills behind. Passive-aggressive communication is a maladaptive coping skill and doesn’t win us many friends. Talk therapy can help.

5. It will shift your outward perspective on other people.

When we hold onto negative thoughts about situations and people, over time, those thoughts can become distorted. It is hard to see things clearly when we feed the negativity. This type of thinking can overshadow our relationships with people and create rifts, when better communication skills can clear things up. A therapist can help you to assess assumptions for accuracy. You will learn how to do a reality check by asking a friend what they were thinking when they said something, they are often surprised to hear they had a totally different take.” Without the clutter of your own (often mistaken) assumptions, it’s a lot easier to understand others’ intentions and motivations. Talk therapy can help.


6. The big and the little things.

Life is a series of events, sometimes including conflicts big and small. It is our responsibility is to manage conflict resolution with the best tools we have available. Talk therapy can help us all have more and better conflict resolution tools.

7. The process of talking.

We all have self-talk. This is where we mull things over in our head. We are having internal dialogue about things that bother us, things that have happened to us, things we might want in the future, etc…Talk therapy allows us to invite another person into that conversation. A therapist will help you to process and shift your self-talk to enable you to lay out issues, and to formulate a clearer, more manageable solution or plan of resolution.

8. Patterns and habits.

Our behaviors often come from long time habits and we don’t necessarily think about how we behave or why we say the things we do. We just know that they cause problems in our life. A therapist can help you to rewire your brain. This is done by learning new and more positive mental habits. One very effective therapeutic method is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT can be used to help shift identify negative thought patterns, born out of habit and replace them with positive thought patterns and positive mental habits. CBT can also be used to help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

9. Long term effects on the family.

Talk therapy can affect the family in that negative patterns of behavior can be broken and healthier patterns, behaviors and coping skills, language and relationships can become the future, rather than generational hurts, pains and anger. Talk therapy can help.