Road 2 Recovery Integrated Care Center

Primary Health Care

We are excited to inform you that we will soon be adding Primary Health Care Services. This means that you will have access to mental health, substance use disorder and primary health care services all in one location.

What are some reasons to see a Primary Health Care Provider (PCP)?

Annual/biannual physical

Annual check-ups give you the opportunity to ask questions of your PCP, review your health status year-to-year, and develop a lasting relationship with a care team that is knowledgeable about your health history.

Common Illnesses

Sore throats, ear infections and strange, unspecified rashes all fall into the area of ​​basic care.

Routine screenings

Colon cancer, Breast cancer, and Diabetes are just a few of the diseases which may be detected through early screenings. There are standard recommendations about when screens should be scheduled, for most people, but if you are at increased risk, you may seek these screens more often or earlier in life.


If you have a condition or diagnosis that requires specialized treatment, your PCP can refer you to a specialist.


Back-to-school isn’t the only time vaccinations are needed. Adults need vaccines too. Some of these include a flu vaccination, a shingles vaccination, Hepatitis A,B & C.

Chronic Illness Management

Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hepatitis, HIV and Depression, left untreated, can have serious consequences. Partner with your PCP in long-term treatment and management planning. Your PCP is your best ally in controlling these problems.